
  • We have improved the HTML and PDF contract styles to make them prettier, but the best is still to come! Watch this space!
  • Solved an error when generating the HTML / PDF version of the Employment Agreement as a result of currency field not handled properly.
  • Improved documentation detailing what are the required fields.
  • Improved the update role endpoint.
  • We have created an Employment / Assured Short-hold Tenancy request body example and placed it in the endpoint documentation.
  • Improvements in the response messages, both if there has been an error and if the response has been correct.
  • Fixed the error when obtaining the details of the collaborators and the company.
  • Added own signature and contract deletion restrictions to ensure the reliability of the contract.
  • Modified the response to obtain data from the company to provide more information.
  • Added restrictions so that the same user cannot be added to the contract. It has also been restricted to not add two companies with the same signatory.
  • The response of the company creation has been modified to follow the same response standard.
    Validation has been added so that a company has to be on the same side as its associated signatory.
  • Added the restriction that once the contract is signed, it is not possible to add a party to the contract. Only people (signatory, witness, supp_signature and collaborator).

Welcome to Legislate

Welcome to the first version of the developer hub and documentation for Legislate!