
Welcome to the Legislate API documentation section 😊

What can you do with the Legislate API?

The Legislate API allows you to add contract creation, signing and management functionality to your software application. Visit our contract list to find out which contract types you can generate using the Legislate API. Please get in touch if the contract you would like to generate is not on the list!

How is the Legislate API designed?

The Legislate API is RESTful in its architectural style, utilising an API key for Authentication.

Our main drivers is to provide you with a REST API that follows industry standards and provide as clear error messages as possible.
So concretely:

  • it uses HTTP methods to access resources via URL-encoded parameters
  • it uses JSON for request and response bodies
  • it respects the HTTP status semantics
  • it uses a standard data model for returning errors


Test our Sandbox!

We provide you with a sandbox environment, where no real money is involved. So that you can test as many scenarios as you want.

In addition, we ease testing by providing test data generators (see Testing) and a mechanism that allows you to simulate errors in our system so you can test your ability to handle errors coming from our API.

How to get the most out of the Legislate API documentation?

We recommend familiarising yourself with Legislate concepts before checking out individual endpoints. We also provide guides to help you to solve specific tasks with these endpoints.


Call endpoints directly from the documentation

With your sandbox API key you can test endpoints directly from the documentation. Simply provide the parameters and click try it! on the right!